In our Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy groups there is a theme we explore that I feel is appropriate for this time of year. The theme is Flow, which means that really there is never a conclusion, that the beginning of one thing rests in the end of the thing before it.
"Consider that there is a metaphorical birth and death process to living, where old ways of being in the world, that use to serve us very well, no longer do, so we make the choice to let them die, so that something new, a new way of being in the world, new belief about ourselves can be born and tried on in day-to-day life."Elissa Cobb - PRYT CD
Looking back at the year 2012, your road travelled, notice all the things that have served you well. To what extent can you honour what was? Notice what has earned the right to die, to be let go.
Shedding old skin can sometimes make you feel all shiny and new. It can also leave you feeling raw and vulnerable. Neither is better or best. It is helpful to notice what's happening for you so that you can move forward with choices that serve you best.
As you make your New Year resolutions, consider what it would be like to wear a new skin, a new way of being, even if there's an edge around it. What would serve you best in 2012? What would you like to explore, experience, receive?
What we call the beginning is often the end, and to make an end is to make a beginning, the end is where we start from. T.S. Eliot
Happy New Year everyone!